BF-Control - Work Distribution & Control

Our management software and tool BF-Control is unique in many ways. As any other business-oriented software, its main goal is to enable every manager make his company more successful. Our software solution is based on several modules - 'Tasks', 'Proposals', 'Appraisals' and others. All its structure is adaptable to each company specific hierarchy. In this way, we can create a unique responsibilities distribution and control system, according to each manager and employee's hierarchy position.
Why is it necessary to implement a responsibilities and tasks control software in your company?

BF-Control - the control software as a tool for change and tasks assignment

BF-Control is our unique business control software that will help any company and manager in Bulgaria improve their resources utilization. Through the software online functionalities every company employee (workers, supervisors and managers) can assign tasks to subordinates, make work optimization proposals and get involved in the company progress.

BF-Control - the control software as a tool for keeping track of tasks execution and new ideas generation

The implementation of BF-Control helps every company automatize the process of stimulating employees' activeness. Our software solution allows you to track the fastest employee in executing assigned tasks, the most effective subordinate, as well as the ones being most active with proposals for improvement in the company's business processes.

BF-Control - the control software as a tool for recording tasks execution and reward active employees

The wide scope of functionalities, BF-Control possesses, allows keeping track of subordinates' activeness in generating new ideas for company improvements. In addition, a special set of key indicators calculates how many of the management assigned tasks were completed, by what department and employee. We can take these and many other indicators in BF-Control and use them as the essential basis for the creation of a better remuneration and bonus system.